Tuesday, October 26, 2010

English speaking skill is highly essential to build your self confidence

English Vocabulary

Ever noticed that people who have a strong English vocabulary receive more attention and respect from their peers, colleagues, subordinates and authority figures? This is because speaking with a strong vocabulary indicates that you take yourself seriously.

Language and the way we use words conveys intelligence and authority. A person who is a mathematical genius or an expert software developer may be highly respected for technical skills, but if the words that come out of mouth consist of a poor vocabulary, it will, unfortunately, communicate a lack of intelligence.

How do you improve your English vocabulary? One of the best ways to improve your speaking voice is through reading a great deal of material. A strong English vocabulary and communication skills go hand in hand. If you must prepare and deliver speeches or lectures in your chosen profession, it is important to brush up on your vocabulary to make a good impression and engage your audience. It is not necessary to speak in ostentatious language and use “50 cent” vocabulary words that will confuse the people you are speaking to, but having a strong command of the English language and using it in an artful manner is a skill that employers seek when looking for employees.

Tutorials based on English Vocabulary are made available in this section under Career Series. English Vocabulary articles help you change the way you utilize your existing vocabulary and offer valuable tips and tricks on improving and enhancing your English Vocabulary.


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