Sunday, July 11, 2010

Priceless Ayurvedic Tips to Lead a Healthy Life

Proximity to nature on one hand helps a person maintain physical health and remain disease-free. On the other hand, practice of yoga gives several health related benefits. Both healthy and unhealthy people can follow these simple tips and lead happy and healthy life:

Drink one or two glasses of water kept in a copper container after waking up in the morning. If copper container is not available, use pure fresh drinking water. Drink water (at least three cups) every two hours.

Practice brisk walking for 30 minutes daily after morning chores. Spend some time doing yoga asana, pranayama, surya namaskara, gardening, swimming or any other exercise of your choice.

Chew your food properly before swallowing and do not speak while eating. Eat sufficient food and do not fill the stomach completely. Take two meals a day, seven hours apart.

The best time for meals is before 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Soak grains, pulses and dry fruits overnight and use. The food should include 1/3rd portion of grains and pulses and the rest should include green vegetables. Take 20 percent cooked food and 80 percent raw food.

Use low cholesterol oil for cooking and that too in very minimum quantity. Eat raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, salad, and fruit juice, coriander and mint chutney. The chapattis should be made with whole-wheat flour, eat unpolished rice and drink soup. Steam cooked food is also healthy.

Take lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and honey instead of tea, take diluted curd or buttermilk instead of milk and jaggery in place of sugar.

Sit in Vajrasana for 10 to 15 minutes after every meal.

Use a hard bed to sleep on and a very thin flat pillow. Try to overcome all the worries before going to bed.

Lie down turning to your left after eating. There should be a gap of 15 minutes between meals and sleeping time.

Take deep breath and sit straight. It is a good practice to clean your stomach two to four times a day and take bath with cold or fresh water twice daily. Massage the hands after taking bath and try to dry the water. Then use a towel. Offer prayers twice daily; once before sunrise and again before bedtime.

Take salt, sugar, spices, pulses, clarified butter, ice cream, cooked food, potato etc. in limited quantity. Avoid wearing high-heeled sandals, shoes, watching television or cinema in excess and practicing tiring exercises.

Avoid tea, coffee, smoking, alcohol, and other such practices. Avoid refined flour and things made with it, polished rice, non-vegetarian food, processed food, adulterated food containing added colours, artificial food, etc.

Avoid consumption of dalda, oil, artificial food or cold drinks (soft drinks); do not eat unwillingly, in a worried state, when ill, or without feeling hungry. Do not eat very hot or very cold food. Protect yourself from noise, wind, and water. Use of harmful cosmetics, artificial fabrics, and soaps should be reduced.

Drink water half an hour before and after meals.

Do not take sleeping pills, in case of sleeplessness, place a wet towel on the stomach (soak it in water and squeeze the water) and cover the body with a blanket or light quilt. Avoid meals at very late hours. Avoid being awake late in the night, or eating heavy or fried food.

Rinse the mouth thoroughly after every meal.

Brush your teeth in the morning and night. Chew carrot, radish, coconut, sugar cane, aniseed, and sesame etc. to strengthen the teeth.

Eat food rich in mineral and vitamin; including lemon juice, myrobalan, papaya, guava, tomato, carrot, etc.

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